Wet Utilities Construction & Repair Services
Providing utility construction, repair and replacement of domestic water, sewer and fire protection lines and facilities. From emergency repairs to new construction installation, we serve all your needs.
What We Do

Water Utilities Construction
Specialized proceedures and practices to ensure purity of your water sources

Sewer Utilities
All sizes and types of sewer lines meeting state and local code requirements

Storm Drain Utilities
New construction or upgrade to existing properties and facilities

Lift Pump Construction
Whether potable water, sewage or flood control, providing both high service and booster pump utility work
Get a Quote For Your Project
Utility Construction is about procedures and practices designed to preserve the integrity and purity of area water resources. Correct utility solutions is a serious undertaking and you can leave it to Mechanical Solutions to not only provide professional service, but to meet all regulations from local to federal. Our construction services coordinate new or remodel projects with city/county or state utilites.
- Pipe Work
- Managed drainage
- Junction Boxes
- Inlets and Curbs
- Retention Ponds
- Meeting Environment Regulations
- Any size Pipe or Complexity
- Work aroun pre-existing utilities
- Dewatering Solutions
- Lift Stations equipment / Install
- Water Mains
- Public Works/ Government Utilities
- Sewer gravity and force mains
- Full Service-Turnkey
- Commercial Services
Repairs & Replacement
Water, sewer or storm drains, the problems don’t just disappear. Problems can grow quickly and threaten and entire project and even an entire site. Delay is not an option when potential water damage is at hand. Mechanical Solutions provides expert services for detections, repair and replacement if necessary to remedy your water damage potential.
- Leak Detection
- Commercial and Public Utilities
- Storm Water Drainage Repair
- Erosion control
- Sewer repair
- Riser pump service
- Culvert and casing repair/replace
- Upgrade to damaged facilities
- Small Business to major complex
- Cleanouts and stoppage removal
- Sewer pipe replacement
- Potable water pipe replacement
- Services capacity upgrade
- Lateral lines work
- Manhole repair / replacement
Utility Services Projects
Mechanical Solutions supports local water and sewer utilities with a focused approach to eleminate down time. Construction, repair and maintenance services include:
- Pipe and Cable Repair
- Welding and Burning
- Cooling Towers
- Intakes and Tunnels
- Sediment Removal
- Traveling Water Screens
- Concrete Repair
- Culverts and Evac Piping
- Storm Drain Manholes